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Friday, December 16, 2011

New Rules For Life

  • You are the cre­ator of your life.
    This is your life. This is not the life of some­one else…it is yours. Your pur­pose for trav­el­ing on this earth, now, in your human form — is for you to expe­ri­ence this life.

    You cre­ate your life. This mas­ter­piece of you…create some­thing beautiful…for YOU.

  • You have this moment.
    Life is made up of our moments. Moments — just like this very sec­ond, right now, that you are here, read­ing. You have cho­sen how to use this moment. And even when we are in a place that is not our choos­ing, we still (always) choose our response. That response — ALWAYS — is yours. In every moment.
  • You are a spir­i­tual being hav­ing a human expe­ri­ence.
    Stop. No, really stop. Stop and be still. Silent. Just you and your breath. As thoughts come, just let them go. How amaz­ing is this! This phys­i­cal body of ours — bones, skin, mus­cles, tis­sues, organs — all make up your being. There is just still so much more to you, though. So much more than this phys­i­cal body that you are in! There is some­thing just so much deeper about you — and who you are! Your soul…that which makes you YOU! It’s not some­thing we can see (like our fin­gers or toes). Our soul…our spir­i­tual being…that deep part of us that is both mys­te­ri­ous and known…beautiful and amazing…
  • Love mat­ters.
    Do you have a pet? Have you held a tiny baby? In its purest form, these are beings that love. And accept love. Think about this. Or, even more impor­tantly — feel this. Feel this in your soul. That thought of hold­ing a tiny, unpro­tected baby. Love.

    Now, feel that in every­thing you do. In every­one you encounter. In your being. Love.

    And imag­ine, if you will, for a moment — a world filled with this. Love, which is already at our core, Love…that con­nects, that breaks down bar­ri­ers, that lifts up, that cares, that feels, that shows, that touches, that understands…that matters…

  • Every­thing else is nego­tiable.
    You make the rules. This is YOUR life. This life of yours — it is not the life of your boss, your lover, your par­ents, your employer, your cus­tomers, your friends, your foes, your gov­ern­ment, your reli­gion. This life — the one you are liv­ing right now — is for you.

    Reclaim your life.

    Cre­ate your own rules.

    Don’t let this amaz­ing human expe­ri­ence slip away…

Live from your heart, con­nect to the beauty of your life, soak in the moments of your day as much as you can, love from your soul, and believe in the magic of what is possible!

You are so worth it!

So, so worth it…

Article from


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